Near-field Source Localization Method using Matrix Pencil
Matrix Pencil 기법을 이용한 근거리 음원 위치 추정 기법

Tae-Jin Jung, Su-Hyoung Lee, Kyung Sik Yoon, KyunKyung Lee
2013 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea  
In this paper, near-field source localization algorithm is presented using Matrix Pencil in Uniform Linear Array(ULA). Based on the centrosymmetry of the ULA, the proposed algorithm decouples the steering vectors which allow for the bearing estimation using Matrix pencil. With estimated bearing, the range estimation of each source is consequently obtained by defining 1D MUSIC spectrum. Simulation results are presented to validate the performance of the proposed algorithm.
doi:10.7776/ask.2013.32.3.247 fatcat:l2ecyis4rnazhk6prx75v36r5a