Effects of pressure stress work and thermal radiation on free convection flow around a sphere embedded in a porous medium with Newtonian heating

Elsayed Elbashbeshy, Nabil Eldabe, Ismail Youssef, Ahmed Sedki
2018 Thermal Science  
Original scientific paper https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI150601207E The effects of pressure stress work and thermal radiation on free convection flow around a sphere embedded in a porous medium with Newtonian heating is considered. The basic equations of boundary-layer are transformed into a non-dimensional form and reduced to non-linear system of partial differential equations and solved numerically using an implicit finite difference technique with Newtons linearization method. Comparisons with
more » ... reviously published work are performed and excellent agreement is obtained. Numerical results have been shown graphically and tabular forms for some selected values of parameters set consisting of radiation parameter, pressure stress work parameter, Newtonian heating coefficient, and Prandtl number.
doi:10.2298/tsci150601207e fatcat:gcnvcgwlazdjvoxzlj3gglxgli