Effect of Polyethylene Mulching Type on the Growth, Yield and Fruits Quality of Physalis Pubescens

Helaly AA
2017 Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research  
This investigation was carried out in a private farm located at Shebeen El-Qanatir city, El-Qaliubiya governorate, Egypt during the two successive seasons (2011/2012 and 2012/2013 A.D.) to study the response of husk tomato plants (Physalis pubescens L.) cv. (local variety) to polyethylene mulching black and double face (white on black). A bare soil plot of equal area was also maintained with raised beds un-mulched as a control. Seedlings were transplanted forty days after sowing into open field
more » ... transplanting carried out in 60 cm apart on the row among plants. Results showed that the significant maximum value of plant height, stem diameter, number of branches per plant and leaf area were obtained from white on black mulching treatment followed in a descending order by black treatment, while bare soil treatment recorded the minimum significantly value in both seasons. Results appeared that the significant maximum value of total soluble solids, vitamin C, total sugar and total carotenoids were obtained from white on black mulching treatment followed by black treatment, while bare soil treatment recorded the minimum value in both seasons. On the other hand, no significant different for total acidity and dry matter were recorded among mulching treatments in both seasons. Results appeared that the significant maximum value of number of fruit/ plant, total yield and early yield per plot were obtained from (white on black) mulching treatment followed in a descending order by black treatment, while bare soil treatment recorded the minimum value in both seasons. Citation : Helaly AA, Goda Y, El-Rehim AAS, Mohamed AA, El-Zeiny OAH (2017) Effect of Polyethylene Mulching Type on the Growth, Yield and Fruits Quality of Physalis Pubescens. Adv Plants Agric Res 6(5): 00229.
doi:10.15406/apar.2017.06.00229 fatcat:bp7vqqmdozb5rmgqui2o5uofja