Cumulative effects of roadside fugitive emissions and cement industrial dust on three common greenbelt tree species

Pravin Pandya, D. M. Kumawat
2020 International Journal of Global Science Research  
The fugitive emissions contribute a considerable amount of load on ambient air in the industrial sector. Heavy vehicle movements in and around the industry for transportation of raw and final products generate a huge amount of road dust fugitive emissions that contribute to the adjoining area pollution load along with the industrial emissions. In the present study an evaluation of cumulative effect of fugitive dust load and a cement industry load on adjoining tree species growing in the
more » ... t around it was made. Three tree species namely Neem (Azadirachta indica L.), Karanj (Millettia pinnata ) and Peela Gulmohar (Peltophorum pterocarpum) were evaluated for their response in the stressed ambient air. Trees at Sites (I and III) near the national highway were affected most. Among the three test trees P. Pterocarpum was most tolerant followed by A. indica and M. Pinnata. Photosynthetic pigments and leaf dry matter production decreased significantly at Sites close to NH-8. Leaf wash pH and Leaf extract pH both were highly alkaline in nature as compared to respective control suggesting the alkaline nature of the dust. A serious effort should be made to minimize the fugitive emission load around the industries. Emphasis on Pakka roads in and around industries for transportation, regular dust collection from roads/pavements and water sprinkling, if given, can certainly put a check on fugitive emissions that contribute a lot to the ambient air load.
doi:10.26540/ijgsr.v7.i1.2020.148 fatcat:z6kttkvr3fanfiuvz5cdplc5li