Non-semi-bounded closed symmetric forms associated with a generalized Friedrichs extension

Henk de Snoo, Andreas Fleige, Seppo Hassi, Henrik Winkler
2014 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A Mathematics  
The theory of closed sesquilinear forms in the non-semi-bounded situation exhibits some new features, as opposed to the semi-bounded situation. In particular, there can be more than one closed form associated with the generalized Friedrichs extensionSFof a non-semi-bounded symmetric operatorS(ifSFexists). However, there is one unique form[·, ·] satisfying Kato's second representation theorem and, in particular, dom= dom ∣SF∣1/2. In the present paper, another closed form[·, ·], also uniquely
more » ... ciated withSF, is constructed. The relation between these two forms is analysed and it is shown that these two non-semi-bounded forms can indeed differ from each other. Some general criteria for their equality are established. The results induce solutions to some open problems concerning generalized Friedrichs extensions and complete some earlier results about them in the literature. The study is connected to the spectral functions of definitizable operators in Kreĭn spaces.
doi:10.1017/s0308210512000108 fatcat:5f6pwdz4jvc4roe4j6vhbqjo6m