Ecological crisis and nature management: the virtualization and actualization tension in Doñana's disaster

Israel Rodríguez Giralt, Aleix Caussa
2002 Athenea Digital  
Al igual que los espacios del mundo, percibidos o vividos, los espacios sociales se deslizan hacia lo virtual, para que podamos levantarle mapas, flotantes" (Serres 1995, 184) Presentation We live in increasingly complex societies. Since the very beginning social thought has tried to answer that question: what holds us together? Social thought has assumed profoundly this challenge. We have found some good tools to understand it, but also we have learned that this is a never ending work. In
more » ... to understand how the social is produced in contemporary societies we want to reflect on the usefulness of new concepts to rethink the question concerning the social. We think, as we said before, that the virtual/actual tension is useful to answer some of the questions raised because of this complexity. Nowadays it seems clear that we cannot avoid answering, mostly in new terms, the question of what holds us together. Mainly if we have in mind the heterogeneous and complex ways in which we organize our contemporary societies. The virtual/actual tension can be a useful tool to understand our present, in which there is a high awareness regarding the impact of science and technology in the organization of societies. This working paper is an attempt to answer to these questions. For this, we will p resent some empirical data collected from an ecological crisis occurred in the South of Spain in 1998. This paper pretends to be a brief picture of an extended work in which we develop this concepts more profoundly.
doi:10.5565/rev/athenead/v1n1.30 fatcat:medr5prcbzftxptlnwopxovpg4