Report on CIPM key comparison of the second phase of multiples and submultiples of the kilogram (CCM.M-K5)
Jin Wan Chung, I van Andel, L O Becerra, W Bich, V Bogdanov, J W Chung, S Davidson, K M K Fen, P Fuchs, M Gläser, Y Hong, Z J Jabbour
(+10 others)
In order to show equivalence of mass standard determination among NMIs of CIPM member countries, key comparisons of mass standards have been carried out under the auspices of the Comité Consultatif pour la Masse et les Grandeurs Apparantées (CCM). At each NMI, mass standards are derived from one kilogram by means of the multiples and submultiples methods. The pilot laboratory, NMIJ, prepared five sets of transfer standards. Any set of transfer standard consists of five pairs of mass standards
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... th nominal values of 200 mg, 1 g, 50 g, 200 g and 2 kg. The nominated twenty participants have been divided into four groups and the corresponding four sets of transfer standards have been circulated within the groups simultaneously while remaining one set has been kept at the pilot laboratory for the stability evaluation. The pilot laboratory measured the volumes, the centres of gravity and the magnetic properties, susceptibilities or magnetism, of the standards before the circulation and has reported these values to the participants. The pilot laboratory has also verified the stability of all travelling standards in advance. Nineteen laboratories have reported final results to the pilot. Nine participants belong to EURAMET, three belong to COOMET but two of them also belong to EURAMET, four belong to SIM, and five belong to APMP. Table 2 shows all the results associated with their uncertainties reported by the participants. As shown in the table 3 the majority of the instabilities of the transfer standards during their circulation were less than claimed uncertainties of the participants except for few standards of small mass, 1 g and 200 mg. These instabilities are considered for uncertainty evaluation within the group. All reported results among different groups have been linked based on the average values of transfer standards before and after the circulation. Figure 3 to 7 show the comparison results of all the participants for five nominal mass values respectively. The plotted results are expressed in relation to the median as reference values. Tables 10 to 19 show the differences and associated expanded uncertainties referred to a confidence level of 95% between any combination of the laboratories in the form of matrices. They show few outliers, one at 2 kg and 200 g, three at 50 g, and two at 200mg.