Chaotic electron dynamics in gyrotron resonators

Y. Kominis, O. Dumbrajs, K. A. Avramides, K. Hizanidis, J. L. Vomvoridis
2005 Physics of Plasmas  
Phase space analysis of electron dynamics is used in combination with the canonical perturbation method and the KAM ͑Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser͒ theory in order to study the dependence of the efficient gyrotron operation on the rf field profile and frequency mismatch. Knowledge of the boundaries of the electron motion provided through robust ͑slightly distorted͒ KAM surfaces is useful for optimizing depressed collectors and thereby for enhancement of overall efficiency of gyrotron operation.
doi:10.1063/1.1867496 fatcat:cdn4ceg64nev5crh2yycphbx2m