Electricity as a Therapeutic Agent in Gynæcology

1886 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
Dents of the plan urged, while it would certainly catch tbe Crotón overflow, and stop the present enormous waste. After some discussion, in which one of the speakers said that if the Brooklyn Bridge had been constructed of solid masonry, it would be a small affair compared with the proposed structure, and that of nine huge dams, none so large as this, four had broken through, the report of the committee was adopted. At the conclusion of a recently published communication on this subject, in
more » ... h he points out a number of objections to the Quaker Bridge dam. .Mr. James Renwick, the architect, says : " There are so many difficulties, therefore, to be overcome, so many
doi:10.1056/nejm188601071140111 fatcat:sq5hcmymbje6pkwklqbdausqr4