Yield coefficient for the growth of Pseudomonas sp. AQ5-04 at various concentrations of phenol

A. Aisami, M.M. Usman, A.A. Siddan, M.A. Ramlatu, I.J. James, L. Garba, N.A. Yasid, M.Y. Shukor
2020 African Journal of Biotechnology  
Phenol is widely used by many industries in Malaysia, and is one of the highly toxic environmental pollutants with levels exceeding the regulatory standard that have been reported in Malaysia. A phenoldegrading bacterium; Pseudomonas sp. AQ5-04, a metabolically versatile xenobiotic-degrading bacterium, has been isolated from a local contaminated site. The bacterium was able to withstand a high concentration of phenol. This work aims to determine the effect of concentration and to establish the
more » ... ield factor on phenol as a carbon source. It was established that the isolate can degrade up to 900 mg/L phenol within 72 h; it was discovered that the yield factor (Y X/S ) varied between 0.3 to 0.6 mg cells per mg phenol for different initial phenol concentrations with increasing phenol concentrations resulting in a lower yield. This shows that growth on phenol is strongly inhibitory and resulted in low yield at an inhibitory concentration of phenol.
doi:10.5897/ajb2020.17099 fatcat:j3sqn5qlk5hptnihcquh3wfvre