Hard photons in proton-nucleus collisions

K. Nakayama, G. F. Bertsch
1989 Physical Review C  
A calculation of energetic photon production in proton-nucleus reactions at intermediate bombarding energies is performed assuming the first chance nucleon-nucleon collisional mechanism. The elementary nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung amplitude is calculated within a meson exchange potential model which includes the one-body as well as the two-body current contributions. The results are in reasonable agreement with the recent data by the Grenoble group at the proton incident energy of TI,b =168
more » ... V and indicate that these energetic photons are created in a relatively lowdensity region in the nucleus (-40% of the nuclear matter normal density). The present model, however, cannot account for the strong angular dependence observed at Tl,b =72 MeV.
doi:10.1103/physrevc.40.2520 pmid:9966263 fatcat:h6fakn5kj5gnjc2buigesigsqu