A Study of Various Filters for Power Quality Improvement

Dharmendra Gour, Devendra Dohare, Abhishek Saxena
2015 International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering  
This Paper describes Power Quality Problems in Power system and there solutions with Power electronics based equipements.Several international standard issues to control power quality are briefly described and some important methods to analyses Electrical Circuit with non-sinusoidal waveforms are introduced and evaluated. Passive filters, Shunt, hybrid and series active power filters are described showing their compensation characteristics and principles of operation .Different power circuit's
more » ... opologies and control scheme for each type of power filter are analyzed. The compensation characteristics of each topology with respective control scheme are proved by simulation and experimentally. The filter can compensate for harmonic current, power factor and load unbalance. A power filters which has been used there monitors the load current constantly and continuously adapt to the changes in load harmonics.
doi:10.15662/ijareeie.2015.0401014 fatcat:3ylaby5hebgyrivklv5y2rcoxy