Chain based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network

Bhavna Patel, Jayesh Munjani
2016 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Wsn Formed by hundreds or thousands of heterogeneous sensor node (motes) devices spread over large field that share or exchange information with each other and move data along from one to another nodes. But in reality, these wireless networks are composed of resource constrained tiny sensor nodes. The resource constrained nature of WSN creates different kinds of challenges in its operations and design that degrading its performance. In wireless sensor network, one of the important issues is
more » ... rent limited battery power of the sensor node within network. There are different routing protocols that have been proposed for this issue. Energy consumption and network lifetime are the major issues in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). There are two competing objectives in the design of WSN. First objective is reduced energy consumption and second objective is increase the lifetime of network. Because of this reason PEGASIS protocol and multi-chain PEGASIS Protocol can be selected for better performance in terms of energy efficiency and network life time.
doi:10.5120/ijca2016907893 fatcat:uruojgnmtjbqhdw2thvpctgk6a