Macro-approach of cell formation problem with consideration of machining sequence

F.T.S. Chan, K.W. Lau, P.L.Y. Chan, K.C. Au
2004 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37574)  
A bstmct--Cellulsr Manufacturing System (CMS) which is based 00 the concept of Group Technology (GTI has been recognized as an efiieient and effective way to improve the pmductivity in the factory. I n recent years, there has been much effort done for continuing to impmve CMS. Most researches concentrated on distinguishing the part families and machine cells either simultaneously or individually by considering of minimizing intercellular and intracellular part movements. However, fewer
more » ... s have studied the impact of the sequencing of machine cells. In light of this, the main aim of this pmsent work is to study the impact of the sequencing of allwaling the machine cells io minimizing intercellular part movement. The problem scape, which is also called as machine-part grouping problem (MPGP) together with the background of cell layout problem (CLP), has been identified. A mathematical model is formulated and part incidence matrix with operational sequence is often used. Since MPGP has been pmved as an NP complete, genetic algorithm (CA) is employed as cell formation algorithms in solving thia problem.
doi:10.1109/iemc.2004.1408868 fatcat:gpgs4tekzbhdzfkilvx7yo3bcq