Enterprise Architecture Planning with TOGAF ADM for Balikpapan College of Economics

2020 Proceedings of the Sriwijaya International Conference on Information Technology and Its Applications (SICONIAN 2019)   unpublished
The information system architecture is a standard reference that later can be used by organizations to develop an integrated information systems. One of the benefits of implementing enterprise architecture is creating harmony between business and information technology for the needs of the organization, besides that information system architecture is also a management practice and technology that is useful to improve company performance by allowing them to see themselves in terms of a holistic
more » ... nd integrated view of strategic direction, business practices, information flows, and technological resources. One of the educational institutions that need information system architecture is Balikpapan College of Economics (STIEPAN). This is because the data and systems owned by STIEPAN have not been well integrated with each other and have not been able to help each activity that runs optimally. For this reason, in this research the architecture of the information system is carried out with the use of The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Architecture Development Method (ADM) as a framework. This research produces modeling from business architecture, information system architecture and technology architecture in STIEPAN.
doi:10.2991/aisr.k.200424.090 fatcat:d2rkgdzbh5agrkoy5tuu4vipla