Perceptions of Problem Solving and Communication Prospective Teacher

W Winarto, S Sarwi, E Cahyono, W Sumarni
2022 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research   unpublished
Problem solving and communication skills are needed by the teacher to support the success of the learning he does. This study aims to describe the perception of problem solving and communication of prospective elementary school teachers. This study uses a survey method. The research sample consisted of 335 prospective teachers. The survey was conducted using the online google form service method. The instruments used were problem solving questionnaires and communication. The data analysis used
more » ... s descriptive statistics. The results of the research on the measurement of communication perceptions of prospective teachers obtained an average of 2.9 for men and 3.3 for women. Three aspects of communication, namely mental, emotional, and behavior in the sufficient category, so it can be concluded that the communication of prospective teachers in the category is sufficient. Measuring the perception of the problem solving ability of prospective teachers obtained an average score of 3.5 and 3.6 for women. Three aspects of problem solving, namely Problem Solving Confident, Approach Avoidance Style, and Personal Control. Three aspects of problem solving are in the sufficient category, so it is concluded that the perception of problem solving abilities of prospective teachers is in the sufficient category.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.211125.025 fatcat:lmyrjxgkjrgh3nzk6vm2sg2rf4