Load shedding in power system considering the generator control and AHP algorithm

Tung Giang Tran, Hoang Thi Trang, Trong Nghia Le, Ngoc Au Nguyen, Phu Thi Ngoc Hieu
2020 International Journal of Advanced engineering Management and Science  
This paper proposes the load shedding method with considering the ranking load importance factors. The amount of shedding power is calculated based on the Primary and Secondary adjustments to restore the system's frequency back to allowed range. The ranking and distribution shedding power on each load bus will be prosed based on the AHP algorithm. Loads with the smaller importance factor will have priority to be shed with the larger amount of shedding power and vice versa. The experimental and
more » ... imulated results will be estimated on IEEE 37-bus system, the results show that the proposed method can help the frequency restores back to nominal range and reduce damages compared to the UFLS method.
doi:10.22161/ijaems.612.1 fatcat:qvqxqvpt2rfdzngqhlvygweyxy