Characterization of Antimicrobial Bacteriocin Produced by Bacillus cereus SS28 Isolates from Budu, a Traditionally Fermented Fish Product of West Sumatera
Departement of Agricultural Processing Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology,Universitas Andalas, Padang, 25163, Indonesia

2014 Microbiology Indonesia  
Currently the use of harmful chemicals as a preservative of food like tofu, noodles, meatballs, chicken meat, and fish is prohibited. We must search an alternatives to the particular safe food and fish preservatives and for consumption. Bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria (LAB), especially their antibacterial activities, have attracted much attention and have been the subject of intensive investigation (Mataragas . 2002) . The limited existence of data regarding bacteriocins from spp. makes
more » ... his genus an interesting object to investigate, since it produces diverse array of antimicrobial peptides representing several different basic chemical structures (Adetunji and Olaoye 2011) The production of bacteriocins or bacteriocin-like substances has already been described for some spp., such as , , et al Bacillus Bacillus Bacillus substilis B. cereus B. . Bacillus cereus Escherichia coli Staphylococcus aureus Salmonella thypi Bacillus subtilis Listeria monocytogenes Bacillus cereus Staphylococcus aureus Bacillus cereus Staphylococcus aureus SS28 isolated from budu, a fermented fish product from West Sumatra, produced antimicrobial compound that had broad spectrum of inhibition against five microorganisms ( , , , , and ). The aims of this research are characterization of SS28 antimicrobial activity and observation of its effect to the cellular morphology of with electron microscope. Antimicrobial compound produced by SS28 was stable at pH range between 2 and 11 and to heating at 121 C for 15 min. Maximum antimicrobial activity was expressed at pH 2-3 and 70°C for 45 min. The activity remained after 15 min exposure to UV light. The main changes observed under SEM and TEM were the alteration of structural cell membrane 48 h after exposure to the antimicrobial compound from Bacillus cereus SS28 o .
doi:10.5454/mi.8.1.4 fatcat:px6pukiiyrd4pkv22fns3kyhta