Self-Confidence As A Part Of Concious Leadership In Pedagogical Communities

Larisa Shumilova
2021 unpublished
Leadership traits are considered to be inherent. It is true if people do not strive to nurture those ones within themselves. Leadership is partly dependent on genetic. There are professions whose representatives have to possess leadership potential. It is the occupation of an educator, as well. Leading pupils is one of the most challenging aspects of leadership. Teachers cannot afford to make decisions and act with distracted minds. They need mindful leadership which involves making conscious
more » ... oices about not just how they work but how they connect with their current school teams. Mindful leader somebody leadership presence by deeply listening to others and to themselves. It is necessary to realize that leadership really starts internally, with self-leadership. Self-leadership refers to a reflective mental process which consciously helps to control own thoughts and actions. Children are sensitive and catch if the teacher does not feel like a leader inside. Only after reaching a high level of self-leadership he or she will be recognized and supported by them. The indicator to gauge self-leadership is developed selfconfidence of a teacher. Self-confidence belongs to essential skills and can be cultivated. Self-confidence is an intra-psychological variable. Self-confidence is a complex construct consisting of multiple components. The most comprehensive model is divided into personal, cognitive, emotional, motivational and behavioral components. This model of self-confidence can be specified and expanded by the following main items: self-awareness, self-compassion, self-acceptance, self-reflection, self-assessment, self-esteem, self-assertion. Adopting of these components into regular practice contributes self-leadership and hence it, conscious leadership.
doi:10.15405/epsbs.2021.07.02.18 fatcat:6yb7ldmhnjaeldxsmsqmj3qxwy