Birds of the wetland "Shallow part of the Utliukskyi Liman" (north-western part of the Azov Sea region)
Птицы водно-болотного угодья Мелководная часть Утлюкского лимана (Северо-Западное Приазовье)

I. I. Chernichko, Azov-Black Sea Interdepartmental Ornithological Station, E. A. Diadicheva, V. M. Popenko, R. N. Chernichko, Azov-Black Sea Interdepartmental Ornithological Station, Azov-Black Sea Interdepartmental Ornithological Station, Azov-Black Sea Interdepartmental Ornithological Station
2017 "Branta": Transactions of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station  
doi:10.15407/branta2017.20.039 fatcat:33nvbbpgxrevvpfalqy5drid3y