Design of a modular tactile sensor and actuator based on an electrorheological gel

R.M. Voyles, G. Fedder, P.K. Khosla
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
We present the design of a modular tactile sensor and actuator system for observing human demonstrations of contact tasks. The system consists of three interchangeable parts: an intrinsic tactile sensor for measuring net force/ torque, an extrinsic tactile sensor for measuring contact distributions, and a tactile actuator for displaying tactile distributions. The novel components are the extrinsic sensor and tactile actuator which are "inside-out symmetric" to each other and employ an electrorheological gel for actuation.
doi:10.1109/robot.1996.503566 dblp:conf/icra/VoylesFK96 fatcat:rsb2dt4ji5gnpbf7rgf46ursa4