Comparison of Kinematical variables of In-Step Kick in Football with the accordance of Skill level

Dr. Sudhira Chandel
2018 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
In the present study twelve female footballer (n=12) were selected by purposive sampling and they were further divided into two groups. Video graphy was employed for the biomechanical kinematics analysis of In -Step Kick. The camera that was used for this study was a standard Nikon -D 5200 camera was used. The whole skill were divided into four phases i.e. Initial phase, Hip extension phase, Knee extension and ball touch phase and Follow through phase but for the present study the investigator
more » ... ompare the two groups at the movement of Hip extension phase that whether there is any significant difference among in two groups or not, Comparison of kinematical variables of in-step kick in football with the accordance of skill level were obtained by employing the Independent T Test technique by using SPSS (20.0) and for testing the hypothesis the level of significance was set at 0.05.It is hypothesized that there is no significant difference among two groups. The finding of the study shows only there was a significant difference in knee joint among two groups, t (10) = -7.706, p = .000 is much lesser then 0.05 and the remaining variables i.e. Shoulder joint, Hip joint, Center of gravity and the performance were found no significant difference among the two groups and with that the investigator is 95% confidant that the two groups were significantly different in knee joint at the phase of hip extension and the null hypothesis is failed to accept at 0.05 level of significance.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2018.2048 fatcat:ctzk2srck5e3zjqbhoqt2oguk4