Direito Autoral na Produção Publicitária: O Caso das Paródias e Paráfrases

R.M.C. Ferreira, G.G. Paula, L.T.S. Freire
2013 Revista Tecer  
This study discusses the copyright in advertising production that depend on parodies and paraphrases for its formulation. According to the law that determines the norms related to the intellectual protection, paraphrases and parodies don't need previous authorization. However, the imitative practices end up taking ways that are not necessarily seen as such, and due to this lawsuits are initiated. The aim of this paper is to show how the advertising material developed from linking ideas,
more » ... s, adaptations and the mix of discursive material has depended on this creative method and how the legal terms have treated this question.
doi:10.15601/1983-7631/rt.v6n11p139-153 fatcat:capjnldnqrawbklinsnbvfzkae