Study of temperature and pressure dependences of electric properties of amorphous Ag-Ge-As-S chalcogenides containing carbon nanotubes

K V Kurochka, N V Melnikova, V E Zaikova, Ya Yu Volkova
2015 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
Frequency and temperature dependences of impedance of AgGe 1+x As 1-x (S+CNT) 3 , x = 0.4; 0.5; 0.6 were measured. There are maxima on frequency dependences of tangent of loss, which can be connected with relaxation processes inside the sample (the maximum at high frequencies) and the second maximum can be connected with processes occurring on the sample-electrode border. Activation energy of all synthesized materials was estimated to be near 0.5 eV. The relaxation of electric resistance at
more » ... d pressures within the pressure range of 30 to 50 GPa was observed. It is established that the resistance decreases exponentially with time within this range of pressures.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/586/1/012011 fatcat:efuat2ujsjhppizkcbfklogv34