Making BPEL flexible

Yunzhou Wu, Prashant Doshi
2008 Proceeding of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web - WWW '08  
Although WS-BPEL is emerging as the prominent language for modeling executable business processes, its support for designing flexible processes is limited. An important need of many adaptive processes is for concurrent activities in the process to respect coordination constraints. These require that concurrent activities coordinate their behaviors in response to exogenous events. We show how coordination inducing constraints may be represented in WS-BPEL, and use generalized adaptation and
more » ... raint enforcement models to transform the traditional BPEL process to an adaptive one. The final outcome is an executable WS-BPEL process without extensions, able to adapt to events while respecting coordination constraints between activities.
doi:10.1145/1367497.1367725 dblp:conf/www/WuD08 fatcat:dd7ols4imzfc5na4jsjrkmhaka