Exploring Empirical Rules for Construction Accident Prevention Based on Unsafe Behaviors

Han-Hsiang Wang, Jieh-Haur Chen, Achmad Muhyidin Arifai, Masoud Gheisari
2022 Sustainability  
This paper is aimed at exploring rules for construction accident prevention based on unsafe behaviors. The literature review demonstrates a clear connection between construction accident prevention and unsafe behaviors, followed by a 2-year field investigation resulting in 2207 observations based on convenient sampling with 95% confidence and 5% limit of errors in the 50–50 category. There are 80.43% unsafe behaviors categorized into "Regulations for the Occupational Safety and Health Equipment
more » ... and Measures", where there are 66.37% of regulations and law VII violations, linking fall prevention with the most cases (94.48%) of Fall Protection and Structure Strengthening. The Apriori yields 13 association rules, where the top 3 rules show that 44.11% of the Passage and lighting category is linked to construction equipment inspections; 29.41% of the high-pressure gas category is linked to construction equipment inspections; 100% of the fire prevention category is linked to fire protection unsafe behavior. The findings clarify the association rules that can prevent workers from accidents in construction sites.
doi:10.3390/su14074058 fatcat:ebbnk5gjorfknohhljc6vjzqrq