Time-domain impedance boundary conditions for computational aeroacoustics

Christopher K. W. Tam, Laurent Auriault
1996 AIAA Journal  
It is an accepted practice in aeroaeousties to characterize the properties of an acoustically treated surface by a quantity known as impedance. Impedance is a complex quantity. As such, it is designed primarily for frequencydomain analysis. Time-domain boundary, conditions that are the equivalent of the frequency-domain impedance boundary, condition are proposed. Both single frequency and model broadband time-domain impedance boundary conditions are provided. It is shown that the proposed
more » ... ry conditions, together with the linearized Euler equations, form well-posed initial boundary value problems. Unlike ill-posed problems, they are free from spurious instabilities that would render time.marching computational solutions impossible.
doi:10.2514/3.13168 fatcat:orfgu2m2czg7jabiaqwrrll7dq