Hata Temelli Aktivitelerin 7. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Bazı İstatistik Kavramlarındaki Başarısı Üzerindeki Etkisi

Ramazan GÜRBÜZ, İshak YILDIRIM, Muhammed Fatih DOĞAN
2021 Journal of Computer and Education Research  
This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the erroneous solution method on learning the line graph, mean, median, and mode at 7 th grade. This is a semi-experimental study model based on teaching the concepts of statistics with erroneous examples. The participants of the study were randomly selected 70 students studying in the 7 th grade in the 2018-2019 academic year. Eight activities that involve erroneous examples were used during the data collection process and an achievement
more » ... was conducted as pre-test and post-test before and after classroom implementation. The obtained data were analyzed using the SPSS package program. In order to examine the effect of activities, a t-test was performed. The results of the analysis revealed that the erroneous solution method had a positive effect on learning the concepts of line graph, mean, median, and mode.
doi:10.18009/jcer.976155 fatcat:y4kcq6ossbcgvgt56xf7aprg7e