Nanotechnology as general-purpose technology: empirical evidence and implications

Christine M. Shea, Roger Grinde, Bruce Elmslie
2011 Technology Analysis & Strategic Management  
Developments in nanotechnology are poised to have a pervasive effect on various industries for years to come and nanotechnology management research is beginning to appear in peerreviewed management journals. Much of the research on this early, emergent technology is focused on issues of definition and identification of technology type. In this study, we searched the US Patents and Trademarks Office database and used an expert validation methodology to develop a sample of the first 25 years of
more » ... notechnology patenting activity. We analysed this data for early evidence that nanotechnology is a general-purpose technology (GPT) -a transformative technology characterised by its pervasiveness, improvement over time, and pattern of diffusion. Our findings indicate that nanotechnology patenting activity has been growing in intensity and relative to overall patenting activity, and that it is pervasive across industry and technology sectors. Implications of nanotechnology as a GPT are discussed.
doi:10.1080/09537325.2011.543336 fatcat:vbhoyukhcbgdjmnko7xeztphci