Data flow-based test adequacy analysis for languages with pointers

Thomas J. Ostrand, Elaine J. Weyuker
1991 Proceedings of the symposium on Testing, analysis, and verification - TAV4  
The data f70w adequacy criteria, originally proposed for a simple language and Pascal, have been substantially modified to provide more thorough analysis for code wifh exfensive use of pointers and complex control sirucfures, such as code frequently writ fen in the C language. A prototype fool, TACTIC, has been builf fo exiracf clef-use associations from C programs, and fo defermine whefher test sets are adequafe with respect to the new criteria. TACTIC successfully analyzes data flow of
more » ... ual functions in C programs with single-level poinfer references.
doi:10.1145/120807.120814 dblp:conf/issta/OstrandW91 fatcat:ytn2uyrdrnaz3ku77h5bspjmqm