Treatment of Vasovagal Syncope Associated with Asystole: Literature Review and Case Report of Long-term Follow-up

A. V. Pevzner, E. A. Kuchinskaya, V. G. Kiktev, G. I. Kheimets
2021 Racionalʹnaâ Farmakoterapiâ v Kardiologii  
Vasovagal syncope (VVS) can occur in every third of human population. Clinical symptoms of VVS areas a result of arterial hypotension with critical global cerebral hypoperfusion due to vasodilatation and bradicardia. Bradicardia is manifested as sinus node dysfunction and atrioventricular conduction disturbances due to activation of nervus vagus. Asystole can take place in some cases. Lack of efficacy of permanent pacemaker founds in patients to prevent of VVS. The results of double blind
more » ... o controlled studies, European and American expert's opinions, probable causes of lack of efficacy of pacemakers in such category of patients and way of solution of this problem are discussed in the review. Syncope recurrences in spite of pacemaker implantation, risk of surgery complications and good life prognosis are arguments for therapeutic approach, now suitable for the most of patients with VVS. Case report (VVS with asystole but without of pacemaker implantation) with successful follow-up is analyzed in the article.
doi:10.20996/1819-6446-2021-04-09 fatcat:gd3ypnqplzf7fpnno6xeyeybmi