Extension and Outreach for the Future

R. Stonerock
2004 Journal of Applied Poultry Research  
Detractors toward livestock and poultry producers are more challenging today than previous decades. Critics of common production practices are using activist techniques to project horrific images of producers and their management. These images are intended to invoke passionate emotions for actions against producers through legislation and regulations. The agriculture community seldom challenges the myths and misinformation represented by these groups, and when producer groups offer explanations
more » ... their credibility is immediately questioned. Of the many agriculture organizations, the Cooperative Extension Service is responsible for educating the public regarding the use of science-based research nationwide. Extension is capable of offering truth to dispel the misinformation and provide the forum for consumers and city and urban neighbors to learn and appreciate the science behind livestock and poultry production. This presentation offers a direction for extension to elevate its role to influence society.
doi:10.1093/japr/13.1.136 fatcat:int3j7lqmnghxh2m3nrsunfqhe