Throughput Analysis of Opportunistic Scheduling under Rayleigh Fading Environment

Erwu Liu, Kin K. Leung
2008 2008 IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference  
We investigate the proportional fair scheduling (PFS) algorithm, with the objective of obtaining an analytic expression for it. In this paper, we derive a closed-form expression for the throughput of PFS in wireless networks. The theoretical results from analysis are compared with those from simulations. The analytic model is shown to provide a high accuracy in evaluating the throughput of the PFS algorithm in Rayleigh fading environment. Index Terms-proportional fair scheduling, analytic expression, rayleigh fading
doi:10.1109/vetecf.2008.398 dblp:conf/vtc/LiuL08 fatcat:ltkwtuysrzasrc7fbgrhqejdmu