Observation of the 2+ isomer in Co52
S. E. A. Orrigo, B. Rubio, W. Gelletly, B. Blank, Y. Fujita, J. Giovinazzo, J. Agramunt, A. Algora, P. Ascher, B. Bilgier, L. Cáceres, R. B. Cakirli
(+16 others)
Physical Review C
We report the first observation of the 2^+ isomer in ^52Co, produced in the β decay of the 0^+, ^52Ni ground state. We have observed three γ-rays at 849, 1910, and 5185 keV characterizing the β de-excitation of the isomer. We have measured a half-life of 102(6) ms for the isomeric state. The Fermi and Gamow-Teller transition strengths for the β decay of ^52mCo to ^52Fe have been determined. We also add new information on the β decay of the 6^+, ^52Co ground state, for which we have measured a half-life of 112(3) ms.