Two-Year Caries Clinical Study of the Efficacy of Novel Dentifrices Containing 1.5% Arginine, an Insoluble Calcium Compound and 1,450 ppm Fluoride

P. Kraivaphan, C. Amornchat, T. Triratana, L.R. Mateo, R. Ellwood, D. Cummins, W. DeVizio, Y.-P. Zhang
2013 Caries Research  
and 1,450 ppm F had statistically significantly (p < 0.02) lower DMFT increments (21.0 and 17.7% reductions, respectively) and DMFS increments (16.5 and 16.5%) compared to the control dentifrice. The differences between the two groups using the new dentifrices were not statistically significant. The results of this pivotal clinical study support the conclusion that dentifrices containing 1.5% arginine, an insoluble calcium compound and 1,450 ppm F provide significantly greater protection
more » ... caries lesion cavitation, in a low to moderate caries risk population, than dentifrices containing 1,450 ppm F alone.
doi:10.1159/000353183 pmid:23988908 fatcat:d3uqxaomvneh7hiauavnitqogu