深層追肥がコシヒカリの生育と収量構成要素に及ぼす影響 : 5. 施肥位置と施肥時期を変えた場合
Effect of Additional Fertilizer Application on Deeper Layer on Growth and Yield Components of Rice Cultivar Koshihikari : 5. In case of altering depths and times of Additional fertilizer to deeper layer

Takeshi IKEDA, Eiji MURAYAMA, Yoshinori YASUDA
1991 Hokuriku Sakumotsu Gakkaiho  
: In case of apply え ng addi も ional fertihzer tQ deeper layer at warmer south − west a 「eas in Japan ・ upPer three leaves in rice tended often to be lQnger and plant canopy to be worse . So , the experiments which changed Clepths and times of addi 七 iQnal fertilizer to deeper layer were done with using cv . Koshibikari for twQ years ( 1988 , 1989 ) . The results are as FollOWS ; 1 .The highest yields in bo し h years ,6379 / ( 1988)and 6969 / ( 1989 ) , were shown in case of applying additional
more » ... fertilizer to ca . 15cm deeper layer. 2 .Total length of upper three
doi:10.19016/hokurikucs.26.0_1 fatcat:7dg4rjentrgxvn5esz77oudqcy