New optical features in L1551 and HH30

J. A. Graham, Mark H. Heyer
1990 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific  
During a survey for faint Ha emission-line stars in Taurus, a pair of on-line, off-line frames of the L1551-HH30-HL Tau region was obtained with an 800 X 800 TI CCD detector mounted on the Burrell Schmidt telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory. We describe some potentially important optical features which appear to have passed unnoticed in most previous studies. In the L1551 core region we find a cluster of HH objects W of HH28 which on the average are larger and more diffuse than those
more » ... ch are closer to the source IRS5. In the SW and NE corners of the 20' field, we find new outlying HH objects. Radial velocities are still not known but, in their absence, evidence favors association with the second far-infrared source to the NE of IRS5 (L1551NE). Toward HH30 we can trace a faint counterjet 3' from the central source at a position angle of 214°. This counterjet bends slightly to the N. Emission from this jet is likely to be attenuated by dust associated with the L1551 core region.
doi:10.1086/132725 fatcat:i7vbg4w3brcjlhw6uhg54dmkfe