The Reciprocal Effects of a Previous Brand Extension and Follower Brand Extension's Market Performance on a Parent Brand of a Follower Brand's Extension Product
선행 브랜드확장과 추격 브랜드확장의 시장성과가 추격확장제품의 모브랜드에 미치는 반향효과

Jong-Ho Huh, Hye-Kyung Park, Bong-Sub Shin
2016 The Journal of the Korea Contents Association  
The present research investigates the reciprocal effects of a previous brand extension and follower brand extension's market performance on a parent brand of a follower brand's extension product using 2(previous brand extension's market performance: success vs. failure) × 2(follower brand extension's market performance: success vs. failure) between-subjects factorial design. The verification of the hypothesis is composed through 2-way ANOVA. As a result, the consumers' evaluation of the parent
more » ... rand of a follower brand's extension product when the follower brand's extension succeed was more positive when the previous brand's extension has failed. However, when the follower brand's extension has failed, the consumers' evaluation of the parent brand of a follower brand's extension product was more negative when the previous brand's extension has succeeded. ■ keyword :|Brand Extension|Previous Brand's Extension|Follower Brand's Extension|Reciprocal Effect on a Parent Brand|Enhancement(dilution) Effect|
doi:10.5392/jkca.2016.16.05.686 fatcat:wpgl52sunjglxjn7obhy7hri4a