The Degree of Study of Numerals by Scientists in the World

Dr. Umida Khodzhakbarovna Mavlyanova, Senior Lecturer, Department of Chinese Philology, PhD Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2021 International journal of multidisciplinary research and analysis  
Numerals are used in a variety of tasks, both in science and in everyday life. Using numbers, we record the results of calculations (twenty, forty years), determine the order between the elements of the plural (the first speaker, the millionth person to live), and express the results of the measurement of something (a mile and a half). In addition, numeric characters can be used instead of words, letters, for example, to encode text. Chinese culture is recognized as one of the oldest written
more » ... tures. Yu. M. Lotman considers writing to be one of the forms of memory. In this sense, history can be interpreted as an "additional consequence of the emergence of writing". "While written culture is about the past, oral culture is about the future. That's why predictions, divination and predictions played a big role in it. "According to the scientist, "the world of verbal memory is full of symbols", the material is included in the list of objects and is included in the text of ceremonies, not in the text consisting of words. In the written culture, however, the situation is different. Such a culture "seeks to see the Text created by God or Nature, to read the message expressed in it." Numbers play an important role in this "reading of the world-text" by the Chinese. According to А. Karapetyants's Great Dictionary of the Chinese Language (中文大辞典 zhōngwén dà cídiǎn 1962-1968), there are 13,296 dictionary articles beginning with numbers.
doi:10.47191/ijmra/v4-i4-13 fatcat:7e6qgj7yanajbitn5dco2eurvy