Iryna Melnyk
2018 Economic Analysis  
Introduction. The article focuses on the study of the role of the commodity circulation sphere in the social and economic development of Ukraine and the consequences of modernization of this sector for society and economy. Purpose. The article aims to diagnose positive and negative trends in the development of the commodity circulation sphere in the process of its social and economic modernization. Method (methodology). To achieve the goal, it is carried out the economic assessment of such
more » ... ators of the development of the commodity circulation sector as the volume of retail turnover per unit of the existing population; the population's supply of retail space; the retail turnover per one retail trade object; the turnover of goods stocks; labour productivity; number of employees and wages according to the State Statistics Service. The object of the study is the development of the commodity circulation sphere in Ukraine. The subject of the research is the scientific and practical principles of the diagnostics of the commodity circulation sphere in the conditions of its social and economic modernization. Results. It is noted that the efficiency of functioning and development of the commodity circulation sphere in Ukraine is still not on the sufficient level. Such characteristics as retail trade turnover per unit of population in rural areas, rural population's supply of shops, volumes and levels of employment, wages, and in particular its material and immaterial stimulation have to be improved within the social plan. The negative aspects and trends of the social and economic modernization of the commodity circulation sphere in Ukraine, which have been revealed, should be taken into account when planning and implementing a more qualitative, well-balanced and effective state policy in this area.
doi:10.35774/econa2018.04.023 fatcat:2o35ygzxy5ee3j25i77yaltlcq