Plasmonic Photocatalysts Monitored by Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

Jingang Wang, Xinxin Wang, Xijiao Mu
2019 Catalysts  
In this review, we first prove the resonance dissociation process by using time-dependent measurements of tip-enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy (TERRS) under high vacuum conditions. Second, we show how to use thermal electrons to dissociate Malachite Green (MG) and the hot electrons in the nanogap of the high vacuum tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) device that are generated by plasma decay. Malachite Green is excited by resonance and adsorbed on the Ag and Au surfaces. Finally, we
more » ... ribe real-world and real-time observations of plasmon-induced general chemical reactions of individual molecules.
doi:10.3390/catal9020109 fatcat:nzs6nhigwvgjff6gmxbrjrkjau