1913 The Lancet  
901 useful to nurses, but it seems strange that one who has tried to look into the meanings of anatomical terms should assert that the risorius is the laughing muscle (p. 84), for that is to mislead the student. The illustrations are mostly taken from the works of well-known authors ; but it is a matter for real regret that the beautiful drawings that adorned Sappey's "Anatomie Descriptive," and which are freely reproduced here, are ascribed sometimes to Gould's Dictionary and sometimes to
more » ... n, and in at any rate one case (Fig. 104 ) remain altogether unacknowledged. English Cookery Books to the Year 1850. By ARNOLD WHITAKER OXFORD, M.A., M.D. Oxon. Oxford University Press (Henry Frowde). 1913. Pp. 192. Price 5s. net.-The bibliography of the culinary and allied arts is well covered by Dr. Oxford in this book. The list begins with the Boke of Cokery," described as " a noble boke of festes royalle and Cokery a boke for a pryncis housholde or any other estates, z ' Emprynted without temple barre by Richard Pynson in the yere of our lorde MD." The list proceeds in chronological order, ending with " Common Sense for Housemaids, by a lady," published by J. Hatchard and Son, 1850. The sixteenth century supplies 25 titles, the seventeenth century 68, the eighteenth 112, and the first half of the nineteenth 123. Many of the books cover other fields of domestic economy besides cookery, and not a few are more or less medical in character, for the good housewife did not neglect her " simples " or the recording of prescriptions which, whether by their actual potency or by the influence of suggestion, were known to have presumably rendered service in sickness. Neither did the physician on his part neglect the aid that may be rendered to the preser;ation and restoration to health by " Kitchin Physick," to use the title of a book published in 1676. Among the medical fingers that appear in the cookery pie are to be found those of a one-time bishop,
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(01)03811-9 fatcat:7u52nwyazbeuzfppn6ngukygoa