Drinking-Water Quality Monitoring Using WSN Technology

Amin Ibrahim
2021 International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Business Sciences  
Abstract_ The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology is the dense number of cooperative sensor nodes or terminals, which are densely deployed in the physical environment for sensing, wireless communications, and computational data statistics. The different academic and industrial applications have been developed based on wireless sensor networks. The drinking water quality monitoring system is proposed in this article as one of many applications, developed by WSN technology to diagnose the
more » ... nking water quality, thus solve their challenges as corruption, turbidity, and water neutrality. The paper presents the end-to-end drinking water quality monitoring testbed including the Arduino controller, XBee communication unit, temperature sensor, LED and LDR sensors, and PH sensor. This module is experimentally calibrated, installed, and programmed using Arduino code as a lab model to prove the concept and measure the practical results.
doi:10.21608/ijaebs.2021.74524.1012 fatcat:hgvex5q7sjadrpfs7n3qmoaefe