Ruhi Can ALKIN
2013 The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies  
This study proposes to shed light on rights and responsibilities of citizens specific to welfare state in terms of social policy. When doing this, statist and liberal perspectives of social policy literature will be considered. Status of rights and responsibilities will be underlined in the light of European context. Especially White's citizenship definition and arguments in specific to Western Europe will be incorporated into the text. Study also aims at demonstrating inevitable relationship
more » ... tween social policy implementations and welfare state idea. This inevitable relationship will be detailed by referring policy design maintained by governments and the re-distrubitive background of welfare state. Comparison among statist and liberal perspectives will also make visible this inevitable relationship among social policy implementations and welfare idea. In addition to conceptual framework, some field studies regarding the perceptions of citizenship will be incorporated into the text. Dweyer and * Bu makale Crosscheck sistemi tarafından taranmış ve bu sistem sonuçlarına göre orijinal bir makale olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ruhi Can ALKIN Conover's applied studies maintained in the USA and the UK will shortly be mentioned at the end of the study. Lastly, this paper tends to show some statist/paternalist social policy implementations in some Western European countries. At this point, it is intended to allow reader to analyse major liberal discourse on developed countries and their social policy applications in a critical way.
doi:10.9761/jasss1797 fatcat:tj7crza6sfen3ccyw6tx5mujhu