A GIS based empirical model to simulate air temperature variations in the Göteborg urban area during the night

MK Svensson, I Eliasson, B Holmer
2002 Climate Research (CR)  
This paper presents a GIS based empirical model to simulate wind and/or air temperature variations over land. The technique is based on meteorological data (wind direction and wind speed, temperature and cloud cover) from one permanent reference station, a digital local climate map and a digital land use map. The focus of the paper is to apply and evaluate the technique for clear and calm night-time weather conditions in Göteborg, Sweden. Hourly data from a monitoring network including 31
more » ... ature stations are used in the verification of simulations made using the model. These data are also used for a description of geographical factors that influence air temperature variations in the Göteborg urban district. The technique is a potential tool for urban planning purposes but the verification shows that further improvements are needed. The main problems identified are related to details in the climate map but also to some of the algorithms that need to be refined. KEY WORDS: Empirical modelling · Algorithms · Local climate · Land use/land cover · Göteborg · Urban heat island · GIS · Urban planning Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher Editorial responsibility: Chris de Freitas,
doi:10.3354/cr022215 fatcat:pivwaueafvghnnumyatbdfrbjq