Reduction and normal forms for a delayed reaction–diffusion differential system with B–T singularity

Longyue Li, Jianzhi Cao, Yingying Mei
2019 Advances in Difference Equations  
In this paper, we expanded our computation to obtain a simpler and detailed reduction and normal form of a delayed reaction-diffusion differential system with Bogdanov-Takens (B-T) singularity. By using the central manifold reduction method, we try to reduce the dimension of phase space without changing the dynamic behavior of the system. Next, by normal form theory, we try to simplify the form of differential equations, and then succeeded in obtaining a simpler and more specific parameterized
more » ... elayed ordinary differential system on its center manifold. Finally, two examples show that the given algorithm is effective.
doi:10.1186/s13662-019-2134-0 fatcat:m2dz2gpewbba3jcdtxxs7bp6f4