Blueberry, Early Season Control of Cranberry Fruitworm and Cherry Fruitworm, 1995

James W. Johnson, Robert D. Kriegel, John C. Wise
1996 Arthropod Management Tests  
tall. On sample dates indicated in table, 3 sets of 10 sweeps were taken in each plot with a standard 12-inch sweep net. The nymphs were counted and then released over the same plot. Conditions were dry throughout the test; no measurable rainfall was recorded. Mavrik and Asana (both rates) provided excellent control. Imidan also performed well. Marlate and the 192 oz rate of Cryolite both appeared to give some control initially but were less effective as the test progressed. Pyrenone and the
more » ... oz rate of Cryolite were not effective. Treatment Cryolite 96% WDG Cryolite 96% WDG Marlate 50 WP Mavrik 2 EC Pyrenone CS Imidan 70 WP Asana .66 XL Asana .66 XL No insecticide Oz form/ acre Reconverted means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05; DMRT). Data were transformed by log, 0 (X + 1) for analysis. Kriegel, John C. Wise (6C) BLUEBERRY, EARLY SEASON CONTROL OF CRANBERRY FRUITWORM AND CHERRY FRUITWORM, 1995: Insecticides were applied to mature blueberry bushes near Douglas, MI at a rate of 50 gpa with a FMC 1029 airblast sprayer. Treatments plots were arranged in a CRD of two 44 foot-long rows containing a total of 22 bushes, replicated 4 times. Untreated control plots contained 3 rows of blueberries (33 bushes). Funginex was applied separately to all treatments. Applications of materials were made on 9 Jun (1st egg laying) and 15 Jun (Petal Fall) as indicated in the tables. CBFW and CFW injury was assessed by sampling fruit twice weekly from 8 Jun to 29 Jun. Data were analyzed by two way ANOVA
doi:10.1093/amt/21.1.59a fatcat:bbxzcy5smvhs7hcfc6nn36cxby