Pedestrian Movement Model based on Voronoi Cellular Automata

Hisamoto Hiyoshi, Yukari Tanioka, Toshiki Hamamoto, Kazuya Matsumoto, Kaito Chiba
2014 Transportation Research Procedia  
Pedestrian movement models are used to analyze flows of pedestrians and design urban facilities. Among all the pedestrian movement models, the cellular automaton model is useful because of its simplicity. However, reproduced phenomena are imposed to the mesh size. This paper proposes a new pedestrian movement model, called the Voronoi cellular automaton model, which uses the Voronoi diagram as the underlying mesh. This paper claims that the flexibility of the new model enables us to reproduce
more » ... enomena which comes from the local features, such as corners, of the space, where the pedestrians walk.
doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2014.09.027 fatcat:kx7bjnzdufe2nnt7jqbrj3kd4e