D.H. Monckton
1882 The Lancet  
226 sion ; but as regards the former, the cervical sympathetic has been divided an immense number of times in animals, and no physiologist has ever seen the least eruption on the face or ears as the result of vaso-motor paralysis. Conditions of vaso-motor paralysis are seen in the human subject, but they are not accompanied by herpetic eruption. The congestion in herpes zoster is rather secondary, not becoming intense until the eruption is fully out. If the condition were one of irritation and
more » ... cclusion of the vessels, the skin about to become the seat of herpes zoster would pale, but this has not been observed. The fibres distributed to the muscles and
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)22828-7 fatcat:xi7zflubcnd4pogs4xuat3ttqi