Heating and Cooling of Coronal Loops with Turbulent Suppression of Parallel Heat Conduction

Nicolas Bian, A. Gordon Emslie, Duncan Horne, Eduard P. Kontar
2018 Astrophysical Journal  
Using the "enthalpy-based thermal evolution of loops" (EBTEL) model, we investigate the hydrodynamics of the plasma in a flaring coronal loop in which heat conduction is limited by turbulent scattering of the electrons that transport the thermal heat flux. The EBTEL equations are solved analytically in each of the two (conduction-dominated and radiation-dominated) cooling phases. Comparison of the results with typical observed cooling times in solar flares shows that the turbulent mean
more » ... λ_T lies in a range corresponding to a regime in which classical (collision-dominated) conduction plays at most a limited role. We also consider the magnitude and duration of the heat input that is necessary to account for the enhanced values of temperature and density at the beginning of the cooling phase and for the observed cooling times. We find through numerical modeling that in order to produce a peak temperature ≃ 1.5 × 10^7 K and a 200 s cooling time consistent with observations, the flare heating profile must extend over a significant period of time; in particular, its lingering role must be taken into consideration in any description of the cooling phase. Comparison with observationally-inferred values of post-flare loop temperatures, densities, and cooling times thus leads to useful constraints on both the magnitude and duration of the magnetic energy release in the loop, as well as on the value of the turbulent mean free-path λ_T.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aa9f29 pmid:29430026 fatcat:nzypeqxarzf7xfw7b5qrlaevbu